Great jobs for business majors
Great jobs for business majors

great jobs for business majors

  • Is physician-assisted suicide sometimes the best choice for a terminally ill patient?.
  • How should a company respond if the most environmentally friendly option isn't the most profitable one?.
  • In an increasingly polarized political climate, how can advertisers reach specific segments of the population without alienating others? Should they even try?.
  • Should people be allowed to buy organs for transplant and bypass waiting lists?.
  • How should data be handled if it can help a company make sales but will also expose consumers' private information?.
  • So, what kind of work can a philosophy degree prepare you for? Start by considering challenging questions that can help you better understand the potential job market for philosophy grads. And great careers for philosophy majors can be found in many industries, including some of today's most cutting-edge career sectors. In fact, the study of philosophy is just as important now as it was in ancient times.

    great jobs for business majors

    But what does a philosopher do in the modern world? Is philosophy still even relevant? When you think of careers in philosophy, you might picture someone in a toga holding court in front of a crowd or a bearded man dispensing advice from an isolated cave. What Can I Do With a Philosophy Degree? 24 Great Jobs

    great jobs for business majors

    Why take philosophy? The valuable skills you can learn.Do philosophy grads make money? Surprising salary stats.What can I do with a philosophy degree? 24 great jobs.You'll explore a wide range of career options for philosophy majors, learn about the earning potential of philosophy grads, and discover the many transferable skills that a philosophy degree can help you acquire. The information below will help you answer the doubters (and maybe settle a few questions of your own). Well-meaning friends and relatives may ask, "Why major in philosophy?" That's what this article is for. Still, you may run into people who have preconceived ideas that earning a philosophy degree won't make you very employable. They need sharp thinkers and concise communicators.

    great jobs for business majors

    That's why more and more managers now recognize the importance of hiring people who can consider multiple viewpoints and get to the heart of complex issues. Organizations of every type regularly face tough decisions. That's essential, since thinking clearly and logically is one of the most important transferable skills of the 21st century.Īfter all, modern life is complicated.


    So, in terms of practical concerns like earning money, what can you do with a philosophy degree? To arrive at the answer, you first need to consider the most fundamental goal of studying this subject: Philosophy students learn how to think, not what to think. That's because the skills you can acquire by studying philosophy are highly valued and suitable for all kinds of fulfilling and meaningful careers. It's true: Although "philosopher" may not be a very common job title, philosophy graduates are thriving in many career sectors. Jobs for philosophy majors are more common-and often better-paying-than you might think. Jobs for Philosophy Majors: 24 Great Careers for Deep Thinkers Trade Schools Home > Articles > Jobs for Philosophy Majors

    Great jobs for business majors